Learning to dance gives children confidence, poise and grace. It can help children learn to focus their attention and helps teach discipline that will have benefits socially and in school.
However, there are other benefits to learning dance that are very important to consider in modern times.
According to kidshealth.org, children between the ages of 8 and 18 watch television for 4 hours a day, and spend an additional 2 hours a day in front of a computer screen. To put this in perspective, it represents 42 hours a week – more time than most children spend in school.
The habits we form in childhood often carry over into adulthood. If, as children, we lead a sedentary lifestyle, then it is likely that we will be sedentary and unhealthy adults.
Dance classes provide the physical exercise that our children need to be healthy as children and active as adults.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that children participate in vigorous intensity aerobic exercise for an hour at least 3 times a week.
Dance provides a fun way to achieve this modest goal that children love.
At DK Dance Productions, we provide the dance instruction and motivation necessary to keep children interested in dance. This gives them reasons to practice at home, and so provides a lifestyle of physical activity that will carry forward into adulthood.
We all want to have healthy children. Dance is a great way to teach them the benefits of being physically active.
If you are interested in enrolling your child in dance classes, but are unsure what class to enroll in, we offer a free dance class finder. This is a fun and fast quiz that helps to discover what style of dance is a perfect fit for your child. Simply click the link, do the quiz, and a professional dance instructor will contact you within a day or so and let you know what style of dance is right for your child.
If you’d like your child to be more physically fit, dance is a great solution! Complete our free dance class finder now and help your child get on the road to better health.