Dance Styles Defined

DK Dance Productions' instructors teach classes in over 10 different styles of dance. Each style is taught with our signature care for the student and love of the art. Our dance instructors will do everything possible to ensure that our dance students get the most out of their experience. That being said, we recognize that knowing what the styles of dance are and the music that is used in the classes can impact new students.

Toddler Classes (18 months - 2yrs)

Ballet & Tap Combo
Introduction to the fundamentals of ballet & tap dancing, learn classroom behaviors & along with a fun Recital dance. 

Hip Hop & Tumbling Combo
Introduction to hip hop fundamentals & obstacle courses and basic tumble skills to improve coordination, classroom behavior & a fun Hip Hop dance in Recital. 

3-5 year old Classes

Ballet & Tap Combo
Introduction to the fundamentals of ballet & tap dancing, learn classroom behaviors & along with 2 fun Recital dances.

Hip Hop & Poms
Introduction to the fundamentals of hip hop & poms dancing. With fun, upbeat music, pon-poms and cool moves, this is a class favorite. They will learn 2 dances for Recital. 


6-7 yr old Classes

Ballet & Tap Combo
Students will learn ballet positions, terminology, movements as well as tap steps & rhythms. This class includes 2 Recital dances.

Hip Hop & Poms
Students will learn hip hop moves and work on rhythm as well as a jazz styled poms technique. With fun, upbeat music, pon-poms and cool moves, this is a class favorite. They will learn 2 dances for Recital. 

Jazz & Leaps/Turns
Students will go across the floor and work at center on flexibility, leaps, turns and technique. This class will perform 1 dance in Recital. 


8+ Ballet & Musical Theater

Ballet is an organized and traditional style of dance. Students will learn all the positions of the feet and arms, as well as other basic skills. Ballet is a technical style of dance that helps students learn control and grace needed to execute technical elements of all dance styles.

Musical Theater is a jazz form of theatrical performance that combines music, acting, and dancing. The performance brings the story of the song to life on stage!

This class will have 2 dances in our Recital.

Contemporary & Flexibility Class

Ages 8 and up

Contemporary is a style of dance that is used to express feelings and emotions, as well as to tell a story. It requires control and basic technical skills of ballet and jazz. They will learn a contemporary dance for Recital.

This class also focuses on stretching and building strength to work on flexibility. 

Tap & Poms Combo

Ages 8 and up

In Tap class the students learn to create and follow rhythms of varying tempos using their feet!

Poms is a fun, upbeat, jazz styled class where they work on turns, leaps, kicks and more!

This class will learn 2 dances for Recital. 

Jazz & Leaps/Turns Class

Ages 8 and up

In Jazz students explore the rhythm and accents of music using movement that explores range of motion throughout the body. Students also learn technical skills, such as kicks, turns, leaps, and across the floor and at center. 

This class will perform 1 routine in Recital. 



Cheer Basics

In this class you will learn the basic fundamental of cheer. You will work on motions, jumps, basic lifts, and more.

This class will perform 1 dance in the Recital.

This class is recommended for those who may be interested in trying out for our competitive All-Star Team, DK Diamonds.

Hip Hop & Hip Hop Tricks

Hip Hop is a style of dance that emphases musicality and using all layers of beats in the music. Movements consist of pops, isolations, level work, and more!

As you progress to the older classes we introduce hip hop tricks. Tricks will work on their athleticism and strength. Great for those who want to dance on a college team. (Ages 8 and up). 

Our hip hop classes will perform 1 dance in our Recital show. 






Tumbling Classes

Ages 3 and up

During our tumbling classes, students will learn to properly execute: somersaults, hand stands, cartwheels, etc all while building core strength, upper and lower body strength.

Our tumbling classes are by skill level starting at Cartwheels & Basics all the way to our our Layouts & Twist class, with the exception of our 3 & 4 year olds. 

This class will perform 1 dance in our Recital.