A few decades ago, parents used to be able to count on schools to provide physical training and exercise for their children. But the emphasis on physical education has waned severely, to the point that many schools have no physical education programs at all. In 2012, the New York Times reported that a survey of the nation’s high schools revealed that nearly half had no physical education classes at all in an average week. A study from the University of Georgia noted that only six states required the 150 minutes of exercise per week in elementary schools that is recommended by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education.
To aggravate this situation, the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition stated that children now spend an average of seven and a half hours a day in front of a screen.
It’s up to parents who want their children to grow up strong and fit to build a positive pattern of vigorous activity for those kids. Add to that, training in physical competence and an understanding of how to stay fit for life and you have a winning combination.
At DK Dance Productions, we see our students benefit in so many more ways than just learning to dance. They learn how to prepare for exercise by warming up and stretching. They learn how to move correctly to prevent injuries. And dance is a form of exercise they can perform their whole lives. Participation in rough and tumble team sports has a short lifespan but dancers can continue to participate in dance for nearly their whole lives. Dancers Martha Graham and Fred Astaire were both dancing in their 60s. In fact, Astaire’s last performance was when he was 80 years old!
Even if children have an adequate amount of vigorous exercise in their schedules, other sports activities are not likely to offer the flexibility that dance does. Plus there are the benefits of learning poise and good posture as the fundamentals of dance are mastered.
And a dance class never gets rained out!
If you’re thinking of starting your child in dance, we want to make this process simple and painless for you. We would be happy to welcome your child for an introductory dance class. Let your son or daughter see how our classes run and get the feel of working alongside our other students. It important to us to create a supportive atmosphere to generate a love for dancing in every one of our students.
Call DK Dance Productions today to arrange for an introductory dance class – (314)921-5800. We’re looking forward to meeting you!