If you learned and performed dance yourself, then you probably have an understanding of the benefits of dance and performing – even if it is instinctive rather than analytical. We understand these benefits and are very proud to encourage the development of so many fine young people by providing them with an education in dance and performing.
By training in dance, a young person develops not only physical strength and motor skills, they also grow emotionally. Dance allows young people to discover and explore their natural instincts for movement, enabling them to develop their mental abilities and emotional personalities. By learning to perform, a young person learns about who they really are in a variety of environments, and what they can accomplish both individually and with a group.
When they discover interaction with an audience and win the appreciation of that audience, they learn valuable lessons about communication and contribution that could never be learned in a classroom.
Dance transcends cultural boundries
The performance of dance transcends all ages, cultures and languages, meaning that there are few barriers to appreciating dance. A dancer performing for an audience of different faiths, races and cultures has a opportunity to learn about the universality of human creativity and art.
Very young children are nearly always natural dancers. Children may learn dance more naturally and easily than they learn language. Words may be required while this art is being learned but none are required when you dance. It is sad that school curricula seldom if ever include any form of dance training or experience.
I refer here to young people, but anyone who learns dance can learn these lessons.
Dance has power
Two premier American choreographers defined the powerful impact of dance like this:
To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. -Agnes De Mille
I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it too deep to find for words. -Ruth St. Denis
Many children are transformed by learning dance. As they master the simpler skills and begin to combine these into competence in performing, these children develop an inner strength. They learn about their own beauty of body and spirit and learn to express their beauty through their dance. A clumsy child can develop grace, a shy child can learn to shine. Children who lack focus often learn that they love to dance and develop increased abilities to concentrate on learning this skill.
Every child is different but one thing is true for nearly every single one: As they learn to dance and perform, our children experience remarkable personal growth.
We seek to instill a love of dance from the very first lesson. We would love to work with your children, whether they have started their dance training elsewhere or this is their first class.
If you’re not sure how to start, request our free dance analysis to get a recommendation from a professional dance instructor to learn what style of dance is perfect for your child. Take the first step by visiting our website to request this free dance analysis. We look forward to meeting you and your child soon.